Check if `FILE` exists and has a size greater than zero. This demonstrates using the `-s` condition in a Bash script to test for non-empty files.
Check if `FILE` exists and has a size greater than zero. This demonstrates using the `-s` condition in a Bash script to test for non-empty files.
Check if the file `FILE` is writable. This demonstrates using the `-w` flag in a conditional expression to test file write permissions.
Check if `FILE` is a directory using the `-d` test operator in a Bash conditional expression. This demonstrates how to verify if a given path is a directory.
Check if `FILE` is a symbolic link using the `-h` conditional expression in Bash. This demonstrates how to test for symbolic links in shell scripts.
Access the first argument passed to a script or function. This demonstrates how to reference positional parameters in Bash.
This snippet represents the use of `$@` in Bash, which expands to all the positional parameters passed to the script or function. It is commonly used to pass all arguments to a command or function. This demonstrates handling command-line arguments in Bash.
This snippet represents all the arguments passed to a script or function. The `$*` variable expands to all positional parameters, treating them as a single string. This is useful for passing all arguments to another command or function.
This code checks the exit status of `myfunc`. If `myfunc` succeeds (returns 0), it prints "success"; otherwise, it prints "failure". This demonstrates how to handle command success or failure in a Bash script.
Define a function `myfunc` that returns an exit status of `1`. This demonstrates how to raise an error in a Bash function by returning a non-zero exit status.
Capture the output of a function `myfunc` into the variable `result`. This demonstrates how to return values from a function in Bash by capturing its standard output.
This code iterates over all files in the `/etc/rc.*` directory and prints each file's name. This demonstrates a basic `for` loop in Bash for processing files matching a pattern.
Set the variable `foo` to `val` if it is unset or null. This demonstrates using the `:=` operator to assign a default value to a variable in Bash.
Use the value of `foo` if it is set and not null; otherwise, use `val`. This demonstrates how to provide a default value for a variable in Bash.
This is a single-line comment in Bash, used to annotate or explain code. Comments are ignored by the interpreter and do not affect the execution of the script.
This code demonstrates brace expansion in Bash, generating a sequence of numbers from 1 to 3 and 7 to 9. The output will be `1 2 3 7 8 9`. This is an example of combining multiple ranges using brace expansion.
Generate a sequence of numbers from 1 to 5 using brace expansion. This demonstrates the use of brace expansion in Bash to create a range of values.
This code uses brace expansion to generate two filenames: `A.js` and `B.js`. This demonstrates how to create multiple file patterns or arguments using brace expansion in Bash.
This code demonstrates brace expansion in Bash, which generates the strings `A` and `B` as separate arguments. This is an example of how brace expansion can be used to create multiple strings or arguments from a single expression.
This code uses brace expansion to generate and print the strings `A.js` and `B.js`. This demonstrates how brace expansion can be used to create multiple strings from a single pattern.
Check if `FILE` exists and is readable using the `-r` conditional expression. This demonstrates how to test file readability in Bash.